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Hyperhidrosis Treatment In Islamabad & Rawalpindi

hyperhidrosis solutions in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Peshawar & Pakistan

Hyperhidrosis is a condition when sweat unexpectedly soaks in excess through underarms, hands, feet, forehead and other body parts. Normal sweating is healthy and natural but hyperhidrosis is not. For preventing us from overheating, sweating cools the body. But the sufferers of this medical condition sweat when body does not need cooling. Excessive sweating can interfere with daily activities and can cause skin infections. Hyperhidrosis treatment in Islamabad and Rawalpindi is helping people with this disorder by improving the quality of life. The treatment depends on the type of condition and where the sweating occurs on the body.

Results and Benefits:


Depending on the condition and technique of the treatment used, results vary. COSMESURGE is reducing excess sweating and changing the thinking of a large percentage of sufferers by quick and simple treatment options. Results can last as long as 7 months and any side effects that may occur are only temporary.


  • Builds up lost self-confidence
  • Involves safe and quick procedure
  • Brings back happiness with improved lifestyle
  • Reduces excess sweating hence reduces bad smell
  • Eradicates embarrassing stains that occur due to sweating

Who Is Candidate?

Men and women characterized by excessive sweating should consider hyperhidrosis treatment in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. You can be a candidate of the treatment if:

  • You are medically fit and healthy
  • You have clammy or wet soles of feet
  • You have clammy or wet palms of hands
  • You have family history of hyperhidrosis
  • You have realistic expectations for the treatment
  • You are experiencing painful and irritating skin problems
  • You suffer from frequent sweating that soak through clothing

Aim of Treatment:

Excess sweating leans to begin at adolescence affecting armpits, hands, palms etc. this usually occurs because of relatively high concentration of the sweat glands. Hyperhidrosis treatment in Islamabad is playing a leading role with the aim of treating symptoms of excessive sweating to normal levels. The major goal of the treatment is to help the person who seeks medical help for eradicating embarrassing stains.

Technique We Use:

Variety of treatments is available to deal with sweating conditions. These treatments bring excess level to normal level. Some of the techniques we use are:

  1. Antiperspirant:

It is the first recommended treatment for people who sweat more than average. It consists of an active ingredient that blocks the gland from producing sweat.

  1. Iontophoresis:

This treatment completes in four sessions and each session completes in 20 minutes. The treatment involves submerging of hands and feet in a bowl full of water. An electric current is passed through water to the surface of skin by using a medical device. Low-level electrical current temporarily blocks sweat glands.

  1. Botox Injections:

Botox injections are most effective for treating severe hyperhidrosis in Islamabad. This treatment temporarily paralyzes the muscles and nerves to stop sweating. It involves anesthetizing the skin first. Each affected area needs multiple injections. The effects normally last for about a year.

  1. Surgical Approach:

People, who suffer sweating only in armpits, can go for surgical approach. Surgical technique involves two procedures to deal with hyperhidrosis. First procedure involves removal of sweat gland in the armpit and other is to have endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). ETS interrupts transmission of nerve signals of the sweat gland.

  1. Oral medications:

Specific medications are also prescribed by the doctor to overcome severe sweating conditions. Some drugs function as nerve-blockers and hinder the physical response to anxiety that result in reduced sweating.


Some patients may experience some soreness, redness, swelling, and bruising at the treated site, potentially lasting for up to a few days. Recovery period of hyperhidrosis treatment in Islamabad and Rawalpindi differs for each treatment that is mentioned above.

Schedule a Free Consultation

If you have severe hyperhidrosis symptoms, always consult your doctor to make sure there aren’t more serious medical conditions involved. Cosmesurge International Hospital in Islamabad and Rawalpindi is offering best treatment to come through with your issues. Book your FREE consultation by filling the consultation form.